Congratulations to the 2018-19 High School Musical Theater Award Winners

Mohonasen High School
– The Addams Family

Shaker High School
– Newsies
Burnt Hills- Ballston Lake High School
– Pippin

Schoharie Central School District
– Newsies

We are thrilled to announce the following Outstanding Actor Award recipients:

Lauren DiCocco, for her role as Ursula in Shenendahowa High School’s production of
“The Little Mermaid”

Aidan Fecko, for his role as Race in Shaker High School’s production of

Olivia Helmstadt, for her role as Katherine Plumber in Scoharie Central School’s production of

Thank you to all the schools that participated in our program this past season. It is always a privilege to be invited to adjudicate our local High School productions. As always, we are continually astonished by the commitment of the schools and the exceptional talent in our region. Please consider participating in our program next year!

~ Suzanne and Greg Rucinski, Chairpersons