Peter and his mischievous fairy sidekick, Tinkerbell, visit the nursery of the Darling children late one night and, with a sprinkle of pixie dust, begin a magical journey across the stars that none of them will ever forget. In the adventure of a lifetime, the travelers come face to face with a ticking crocodile, a...
Project Category: <span>1986-1987 Season</span>
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum delivers an evening (or afternoon) of unconditional and frivolous fun. Drawing from the Roman comedies of Plautus, A Funny Thing is a riotous farce. Pseudolus, a slave desperate for his freedom, is left in charge of his master’s young son, Hero. It seems that Hero...
Fiddler on the Roof
The year is 1905 and a Jewish community in Tsarist Russia is trying to eke out a living in its shtetl in the village of Anatevka. Tevye is a milkman who has a personal relationship with God in whom he confides all. He strives, very hard, to keep up the traditions of his faith, race...