“Patience or Bunthorne’s Bride” was inspired by the epidemic of aestheticism from which society was suffering in the early 1880’s, under the apostleship of Oscar Wilde, whose passion for a lily had overcome the conventional Englishman’s love of a rose. Everything and everything wore a pewtery grey “greenery-yellery” complexion, and languid stained-glass attitudes and ultra-rapturous accents were the current rage.
- The Lady Angela: Betty Langenwalter
- The Lady Ella: Lois Sellman
- The Lady Saphir: Florence Jones
- The Lady Jane: Bertha Lloyd
- Patience: Elizabeth Coe
- Colonel Calverley: Harper North
- Major Murgatroyd: William Herrmann
- Lieut. the Duke of Dunstable: William Wernecke
- Reginald Bunthorne: M. Randall Marston
- Archibald Grosveno: Robert B. Stone
- Mr. Bunthorne’s Solicitor: David Smart
- Rapturous Maidens: Sarah Burchardt, Ruth Cotton, Jane Coffey, Suzanne Collar, Julia Goldman, Adrienne Grenfell, Shirley Grundmann, Nancy Hall, Eleanor Hodges, Lorraine Matarazzo, Mary McIntyre, Doris Pipher, Margaretta Ryder, Mary Smith, Jane Sprenger, Margie Turpen, Gail Von Borstel, Marjory Young
- Dragoon Guards: Ray Barrett, Mardis Compton, David Davidson, Howard Edwards, John Ferriss, Ronald Fragomeni, Gordon Harman, Maury Kellerhouse, William Kennedy, Wesley Moles, George Pillmore, Harold Robinson, Frank Santoro, Pat Sublette, Henry Tillema
Production Team
- Director: Edward J. Hatfield, Jr.
- Orchestra: Arthur J. Sherburne
- Dramatics: Robert Stone
- Choreographer: Fred Herbert
- Stage Manager: James Coyle
- Lighting: John Hickey
- Properties: Maury Kellerhouse
- Costumes: Ruth Cotton
- Make-up: Mrs. Ruth Barber
- Librarian: Lorraine Matarazzo