Tommy tells the story of Tommy Walker, a young boy growing up in the post war world. Upon seeing his father kill his mother’s lover, Tommy becomes deaf, dumb, and blind, irreversibly traumatized by the experience.
As his mother and father struggle to find a means to cure him, Tommy meets with abuse by both his Uncle Ernie and his Cousin Kevin, who unwittingly introduces him to pinball. Through the pinball machine, Tommy discovers his hidden talent as he gains both fame and fortune.. The classic 60’s rock opera by The Who is transformed into one of the most thrilling musical smashes of the 1990’s. A riveting, high-energy production.
- Tommy: William Spillane
- Mrs. Walker: Laurie Larson
- Captain Walker: Peter Tyger
- Captain Walker (Understudy): Chris Trombley
- Uncle Ernie: Allan Foster
- Cousin Kevin: Shawn Michael Cahill
- The Gypsy: Quency Rene
- Sally Simpson: Anne Dugan
- The Hawker: Ron Surdam
- The Specialist: Matthew T. Teichner
- 10-Year-Old Tommy: Anthony Saxe
- 4-Year-Old Tommy: Dakota Fish
- Ensemble: Greg Barresi, Zachary Berger, Kerry Conte, Krysta Dennis, David Dixon, Meg Elliott, Richard Lenehan, Nicole Levesque, Courtney Mazzone, Brendan McDermott, Sarah McNally, Michael O’Brien, Kiley Oram, Katie Patrizio, Giovanna Prezio, Brian Rogerson, Walter Saxe, Laura Skladinski, Cynthia Slutsky, Jonathan Van Sleet
Production Team
- Director: Matthew T. Teichner
- Producers: Brett Putnam, Alan Angelo
- Musical Director: Valerie Lord
- Choreographer: Marion Kehrer
- Assistant Choreographer: Amber Springer
- Audition Choreography Assistants: Kate Spencer, Kate Grovenger
- Assistant Director/Acting Coach: Susan Preiss
- Assistant to the Director: Veronique Ory
- Production Stage Manager: Jeanne Stephenson
- Stage Manager: Brian Meade
- Assistant Stage Manger: Scott Harrigan
- Set Design: Dale Conklin
- Lighting Design: Michael Noonan
- Assistant Lighting Designer: Jeff Victor
- Costume Design: Sandy Boynton
- Makeup Design: David Harrison
- Hair Design: Diane DeMeo
- Sound Design: Joe Jurchak
- Sound Operator: David Wilkinson
- Properties: Amber Springer, Deb McDermott